A week of action supporting people and the planet

April 21st – April 28th, 2023

Food for Life is mobilizing and educating the community about the power of GOOD surplus food.

Join an event, donate, rally your family, friends or community, and take action to elevate the conversation about rescued food and its positive impact on people and our planet.

More Ways To Participate In Food for GOOD Week

Host a FOOD HERO event in your neighbourhood, school or business!
Host an event in your neighbourhood, school, or organization to support the work of Food for Life. Connect with taylor@foodforlife.ca to see how you can be a part of the Circle of GOOD.

Spark conversation with our collection of thought leadership blogs
Throughout the week we will be releasing articles to help elevate the conversation on a variety of related topics on the power of rescued food.

Donate and be a part of the Circle of GOOD
When you donate to Food for Life YOU create a positive impact on both people and the planet and  take us all closer to a community where every person in Halton and Hamilton has access to GOOD nutritious food.

Every $10 donated will provide more than $62 of GOOD food to households across our community. Donate today!


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