We’re looking for strategic and engaged members of the community to join our Board of Directors and support our mission of Rescuing Food.  Impacting Lives.

Are you passionate about food security? Do you have some time and talent to share? We’re looking to round out the skillset and experiences of our current Board. We welcome and encourage applicants from diverse backgrounds including individuals with non-profit and lived experience within the poverty and food insecurity sector.

Each volunteer position is a three-year term beginning fall 2024. We are looking for strategic contributors to work with a mature Board and strong and enthusiastic management team to help Food for Life continue doing GOOD.

Currently, we are looking for board members who have operations expertise(ideally in the food industry), not-for-profit fundraising, the food security sector and environmental stewardship experience.

Food for Life is the collaborative leader in sourcing, sorting, and sharing fresh food in Halton Region and Hamilton. Over 25 years, with a commitment to both environmental impact and addressing food insecurity, Food for Life has grown into the largest food recovery program in Halton Region bringing fresh and nutritious food to those in need. Throughout the past 5 years, Food for Life emerged as a leader, proactively responding to increased demands within the sector, and pivoting quickly to respond to a 40% increase in neighbours reaching out for food support.

Directors work closely with the executive team at Food for Life to provide governance to help develop the organization’s strategic mission and further the impact we are providing in the communities we serve. Past Board experience, preferably in a not-for-profit environment, and an understanding of, and passion for food security are beneficial.

Interested applicants are asked to submit a cover letter and resume by August 15, 2024, to steven.latimer@icloud.com


Other information:

Time Commitment & Expectations

Board Members can expect to allocate approximately 6-8 hours plus board meeting per month on average to Food for Life duties. This time commitment can fluctuate up or down depending on circumstances.





The Board is comprised of community and business leaders and contributors.

The Board currently comprises 9 Directors, organized into the following Committees.

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