Food for Life is accountable to the community. Please find below our financial and annual reports.
Food for Life is a non-profit registered charity and has been named one of the top 10 charities in the country. Food for Lifes commitment to those in need is demonstrated through our financial and annual reports.
We measure success not just by the pounds of food rescued or the number of people served but by the transformations in our neighbours’ lives. Improved health outcomes, financial stability, and a sense of belonging are at the heart of our impact. These reports highlight how food, as a fundamental human need, becomes a catalyst for lasting positive change.
Food for Life is governed by individuals from a variety of backgrounds bringing a vast array of knowledge, Experience, and Passions. Would you like to share your time, talent, or treasure as a Food for Life board member? Please contact us today.
Mission Statement
Rescuing food. Impacting lives.
For everyone to have access to healthy food.
We value those we serve, our key role in improving food security, our generous donors, our culture of partnership and our commitment to continual improvement toward our mission.
This statement of Board responsibilities is consistent with our General By-Law.
Determine the Organization’s Mission and Purpose
A statement of mission and purposes should articulate the organization’s goals, means and
primary constituents served. It is the Board’s responsibility to create the mission
statement and review it periodically for accuracy and validity. Each individual Board
Member should fully understand and support it.
Select the Executive Director
The Board must approve the executive’s job description and undertake a careful search to
find the most qualified person for the position.
Support the Executive Director and Review His/Her Performance
The Board ensures that the executive has the moral and professional support he/she
needs to further the goals of the organization. The executive, in partnership with the
entire Board, decides upon a periodic evaluation of the executive’s performance.
Ensure Effective Organizational Planning
As stewards of the organization, the Board sets the overall direction and establishes general priorities. It actively participates with staff in a strategic planning process and assists the executive in implementing the goals in the approved plan.
Ensure Adequate Resources by Raising Money
One of the Board’s foremost responsibilities is to approve adequate resources to enable
the organization to fulfill its mission. The Board works in partnership with the executive and development staff (if any), to raise resources from the community.
Ensure Fiduciary Responsibility
In order to remain accountable to donors, the public and to safeguard its tax-exempt status, the Board assists in developing the annual budget and ensures the proper financial
controls are in place.
Determine, Monitor and Strengthen the Organization’s Services
The Board, in conjunction with staff, determines which programs are the most consistent with the mission and monitors program effectiveness.
Enhance the Organization’s Public Standing
The Board is an important link to the community, including constituents, the public and the media. Clearly articulating the organization’s mission, accomplishments and goals to the public as well as garnering support from important members of the community, are important elements of a comprehensive public relations strategy.
Ensure Legal and Ethical Integrity and Maintain Accountability
The Board is responsible for ensuring adherence to legal requirements and ethical norms. Solid Personnel Policies, grievance procedures, and a clear delegation to the executive of hiring and managing employees will help ensure effectiveness in this area. The Board establishes pertinent policies and adheres to the General By-Law.
Recruit and Orient New Board Members and Assess Board Performance
The Board articulates and makes known its needs in terms of member experience, skills and other considerations that define a “balanced” Board composition. The Board arranges an orientation for new Members covering their responsibilities, the organization’s history
and culture, its needs and its challenges. By evaluating its performance in fulfilling its
responsibilities, the Board is able to recognize its achievements and its areas for improvement.
Purpose and Application
This Code of Conduct is intended to provide guidelines on how Directors can contribute to a
respectful, ethical and professional organization.
For the purposes of this policy, a Food for Life (“FFL”) workplace includes all places where FFL business occurs and includes all: FFL buildings (whether owned or leased) and surrounding perimeter including parking lots, sidewalks, and driveways (“FFL Grounds”); FFL vehicles; off-site locations where FFL business occurs; FFL sponsored functions and recreational or social events, whether taking place on FFL Grounds or elsewhere; and travel for FFL business.
Respectful Behaviour
All Directors are expected to conduct themselves in a courteous and professional manner. Directors are expected to respect and comply with all organizational policies and guidelines and to deal with all individuals during the course of their work, both internally and externally, with consideration and respect.
All Directors are also covered by the FFL Policy for Preventing and Responding to Workplace Harassment and Discrimination and the Policy for Preventing and Responding to Workplace Violence, and are expected to be familiar with and comply with those policies.
Directors may, in the course of their work, come to know, be made aware of, or obtain information concerning employees, volunteers, clients, partners, suppliers or others connected with FFL or the community agencies it serves. This information must not be used for personal gain or disclosed to persons not authorized to be in receipt of the information, and must be held in strict confidence. This duty of confidentiality continues to apply after Directors have left the organization or ended their interaction with FFL, with no time limitations. Communication of confidential information within and outside the organization will only be permitted when the recipient of the information has a legitimate need to know and the information is limited to that which is required to perform his or her duties. This requirement of confidentiality also applies to any asset of FFL including computer software, organizational records and other proprietary information, and to personal information of all kinds.
Privacy Policy
FFL is committed to protecting the privacy of personal information. Personal information is collected, used, maintained, and disclosed in compliance with applicable federal and provincial privacy legislation including, but not limited to, the federal Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA, 2000, c5). Personal information can only be used for the purposes for which it is collected. Specific permission must be sought if personal information is to be used for any other purpose than that for which it was initially collected. It is to be stored under lock and key and only authorized individuals should have access to it. Once personal information is no longer required, it should be destroyed except in cases where federal and/or provincial retention rules apply. The name, title, business address or telephone number of an employee in any business is not considered personal information requiring consent prior to sharing it with others as this information is available for the general public.
Conflict of Interest
Director of the Corporation, has a conflict of interest if he or she has an existing or potential financial or personal interest which impairs or might reasonably appear to impair the exercise of independent, unbiased judgment in the discharge of his or her responsibilities to the Corporation. The conflict also exists if the personal or financial interest is held by a family member (spouse, parents, siblings, children, or other close relative), or any organization in which he or she (or family member) is an officer, director, employee, partner, trustee or controlling stockholder. Further, when faced with an actual, perceived, or potential conflict of interest between the personal interest of those to whom this Code applies and his or her obligation to FFL, that individual is required to exercise the judgment of a responsible person, uninfluenced by considerations other than the best interests of FFL. If a Director knows that an actual, perceived, or potential conflict of interest exists, that person must immediately provide details of the conflict to the Board Chair. If there is uncertainty as to whether a conflict may exist, the Director should discuss the matter with the Board Chair.
Gifts Received From Third Parties
A Director may not accept gifts which represent promotional items from persons or companies unrelated to FFL but who have dealings with FFL.
Breaches by those who are covered by this Code will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis, taking into account the seriousness of the breach and other factors that the Executive Committee deems relevant.
A Review of the Director Code of Conduct will take place biennially.
Food for Life and individual Board Members shall be accountable for the fulfilment of their Governance Role. Their responsibilities are consistent with the General By-Law.
General Expectations
Relationship with Staff
Avoiding Conflict – Conflict is further defined in Policy BG.3 and includes such particulars as noted below.
Fiduciary Responsibility
Board Size and Composition
The Board size is a minimum of five and a maximum of fifteen members.
To the extent practicable, the Board composition shall be targeted to reflect a balance in
gender, ethnicity, profession/career background and geographic representation from those
communities where Food for Life (“FFL”) is active.
Qualifications for Board Membership
Board Member Selection Process
The Governance and Nominating Committee (GNC) Chair will review applications from
BoardMatch, Charity Village, The Institute of Corporate Directors and will also consider referrals
or recommendations from Food for Life donors, agencies and other partners and stakeholders and current or former Board members and FFL, and will approach potential candidates when the Board needs to fill gaps, based upon a search profile as determined by the Board. A matrix of Board skills will be maintained by the GNC to highlight the specific profile required at the relevant time.
Potential candidates will be interviewed by a minimum of two (2) members of the GNC.
Following a positive second interview, reference checks will be conducted, after which the Board Chair will have the opportunity to meet and endorse or reject the candidate. Following,
a motion to approve the appointment of the candidate to the Board will be presented at a Board meeting and, if approved, a meeting of the Members of the Corporation will be convened to appoint the candidate as a Member of the Corporation.
Board Executive Positions
Prior to the Annual General Meeting, the Chair of the GNC will propose a slate of Officers for the ensuing 12 months. These are: Chair, Vice-Chair, President, Secretary and Treasurer and, if applicable, Past-Chair. Unless otherwise determined by the Board, the Chair will also serve as
the President.
Board Chairperson Succession
Given the instrumental nature of the Board Chair position, the Board will have in place a Departure-Defined Succession Plan – a process that addresses a future planned departure.
In the event of an unplanned departure by the Board Chair, the Vice-Chair will assume the role
of “acting” Board Chair until such time as the succession plan can be implemented.
The Chair of the Board shall be a Director who is designated by the full Board to act as the leader of the Board. The Chair also acts as the President of the Corporation.
Who May Be Chair
The Chair will be selected among the Directors of the Corporation who have a sufficient level of experience with corporate governance issues to ensure the leadership and effectiveness of the Board.
The Chair will be selected annually at the first meeting of the Board following the annual general meeting of Members.
The following are the responsibilities of the Chair. The Chair may delegate or share, where appropriate, certain of these responsibilities with the Governance and Nominating Committee and/or any other independent Committee of the Board:
As an Officer of the Corporation, the Treasurer is responsible for the duties prescribed in the General By-Laws and for monitoring the financial activities of the Corporation.
Specific responsibilities include:
As an Officer of the Corporation, the Secretary is responsible for the duties prescribed in the General By-Laws and the duties as outlined below:
Role and AuthorityThe Executive Committee is a Standing Committee of the Board. Its role is to:
The Executive Committee shall submit meeting minutes to the Board after each meeting. Any specific items can be shared by the Chair in the standard agenda item “Report from the Chair”
The Executive Committee is composed of the Chair, the Vice-Chair, the Secretary and the Treasurer. The Executive Director is also an ex-officio, non-voting member.
The Executive Committee shall, whenever possible, make decisions on the basis of consensus. Where a consensus is not achieved, the Chair shall be entitled to two votes then a decision shall be based upon a simple majority vote, which shall be recorded in the minutes of the meeting.
Meeting Frequency
Meetings will be held at the call of the Chair or other Executive Committee member.
Three voting members of the Executive Committee constitute a quorum.
The Secretary shall act as recorder for meeting minutes
The Finance Committee is responsible for reviewing and providing guidance to the Board on any and all financial matters. Specifically, the Committee assures internal controls,
independent audit, and financial analysis for the organization.
Composition and Term
The Committee will include the Treasurer, the ED and at least one other Director. The Board will appoint annually in January from among its Members a Finance Committee, which will consist of two Directors of the Board and will include the Treasurer, who will chair the Committee.
The Committee is accountable to the Board.
A quorum consists of two-thirds of the voting members of the Committee. Each Committee member is entitled to one vote and decisions shall be made by the majority vote of those
Duties and Responsibilities
The Finance Committee is a standing committee of the Board and is chaired by the Board Treasurer. The Committee is responsible for reviewing and providing guidance for the organization’s financial matters.
Fundamental responsibilities of the Finance Committee are as follows:
The purpose of the Governance and Nominating Committee is to assist the Board in
meeting a high standard of corporate governance, by providing a focus on good
governance practices that will enhance the Board’s performance. The Committee may
make recommendations on any corporate governance issue, including, without limitation:
Composition and Term
The Board will appoint annually in January from among its Members a Governance and
Nominating Committee, which will consist of not fewer than three (3) members of the Board and which will include the Vice-Chair who will sit on the Committee.
The Committee is accountable to the Board and shall report its discussions to the Board
by distributing the minutes of its meetings and/or where appropriate, by oral report at the next Board meeting. The Committee shall designate one of its members as the recording secretary.
A quorum consists of two-thirds of the voting members of the Committee. Each Committee member is entitled to one vote and decisions shall be made by the majority vote of those present. In the event of a tie, the Chair will be entitled to two votes.
Duties and Responsibilities
Subject to the powers and duties of the Board and to the requirements of the General Bylaw the Committee shall:
Chair Appointments
The Committee shall work with the Board and the Chair, as required, to ensure appropriate Chair succession planning.
Director Development and Orientation
The Committee shall, in consultation with the Chair and the Board:
Board Effectiveness Assessment Processes
The Committee shall recommend to the Board and implement, following approval, processes for:
Purpose of Policy
From time to time during the course of its activities, Food for Life Charitable Corporation (“FFL”) collects, uses and discloses personal information of its employees, volunteers,
members, donors and other stakeholders. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the privacy and confidentiality of any such information is maintained and that such information is used only for the purposes for which it was collected.
Guiding Principles
What Constitutes “Personal Information”?
Personal information is any information that can be used to distinguish, identify or contact a specific individual. During the course of our relationship we may collect certain
personal information such as names, street and email addresses, phone and fax
numbers, social insurance numbers and credit card information. We may also have a record of donations and attendance at FFL events. However, business contact information and certain publicly available information such as names, addresses and telephone numbers as published in telephone directories are not considered personal
Where an individual uses his or her home contact information as business contact information as well, FFL considers that the contact information provided is business
contact information, and is not therefore subject to protection as personal information.
Privacy Practices
FFL collects, uses and discloses personal information only for purposes that a reasonable
person would consider appropriate in light of the circumstances. These purposes include, but are not limited to:
Personal information gathered by FFL will be maintained in confidence. FFL personnel are authorized to access personal information based only on their need to deal with the information for the reason(s) for which it was obtained.
FFL will not sell, exchange, or trade personal information or lists nor will we provide or share personal information with third parties unless:
Safeguards will be taken to ensure that the information is not disclosed or shared more widely than is necessary to achieve the purpose for which it was gathered. We also take
measures to ensure the integrity of this information is maintained and to prevent it from being lost, stolen or destroyed.
We will use our best efforts to ensure that personal information is as accurate, complete and up-to-date as is necessary for the purposes for which it is to be used.
Website and Electronic Commerce
FFL uses services requiring password protocols and encryption software to protect personal and other information we receive when processing a donation or other payment on-line. All such third party service providers must be in compliance with PIPEDA and have an established and published privacy policy available for all users.
Donor and volunteer information will not be published in recognition material without
prior written consent.
Updating of Privacy Policy
FFL is committed to regularly reviewing its privacy practices. Any revisions or additions
to this policy will be made available on our website.
Contact Information
Question, concerns or complaints relating to FFL’s privacy policy and practices and individuals wishing to review information which is maintained in their active files should direct their request to our Executive Director at 905-510-5724 or 905-635-1106 or by e-mail at
Further information on privacy and your rights in regard to your personal information may be found on the website of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada at
Review Investment Policy
Purpose of Policy
To define roles and responsibilities regarding risk management plan development, management, enforcement, and monitoring; and to outline some of the key areas for
consideration, as well as processes in the risk management plan.
Policy Statement
Food for Life (“FFL”) shall maintain and review an annual risk management plan to identify, assess, manage and monitor risk.
The organization shall:
Role of the Executive Director
The Executive Director (“ED”) shall be responsible for developing, managing, and enforcing an annual risk management plan. The Executive Director shall present such plan to the Board on an annual basis; and shall additionally report to the Board
regarding any material risks that occur throughout the year.
Some of the areas for consideration in the plan may include: abuse and harassment;
accessibility (facility and food); authorization procedures; codes of conduct (employees,
agencies, outreach programs, volunteers); confidential and proprietary information
handling; conflict of interest; crisis management; fiscal management; food safety and handling; privacy (with respect to employees and volunteers); safety in the workplace; training (for employees, agencies, outreach programs, volunteers); and waivers and agreements with key stakeholder groups.
Role of the Board
The Board shall, through its risk oversight role, satisfy itself that the risk management plan is consistent with the organization’s strategy and risk tolerance. As part of this duty, the Board is responsible for reviewing the risk management plan on no less than an annual basis.
The Board’s responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the following:
To describe how the responsibilities for fundraising are assigned and how fundraising
activities on behalf of Food for Life (“FFL”) are planned and managed.
Food for Life Staff and Board’s Mandate for Fund Development
FFL Staff and Board members are required to participate and contribute to an annual work plan to achieve the targets which are contained in the annual revenue and expense
budget approved by the FFL Board; to manage, participate, and contribute to the fund development activities described in the work plan and to achieve the targets as planned.
Responsibilities of Individual Board Members
These are a further elaboration of the responsibilities as stated in governance Policy 3,
“Individual Board Member Responsibilities.” The objective of specific responsibilities is to
enable Board Members to clearly understand how they can participate in the fund development activities of Food for Life.
Responsibilities of the Food for Life Staff
The ED is responsible for monthly fund development updates or in Board approved cadences.
Responsibilities of the Food for Life Staff and Board Members
Subject to the powers and duties of the FFL Staff and Board and to the requirements of the General By-Law, the group will perform the following duties:
Receipt Policy for Agricultural Producers
Food for Life (“FFL”) will issue an acknowledgement letter for all donations of food whether a tax receipt is requested or not. Growers are advised to consult their tax professional as to whether it is advantageous to the grower to require an Income Tax Receipt or not. Growers will be provided with The Ontario Ministry of Finance Policy “The
Community Food Program Donation Tax Credit” an agreement is signed. Issuing a tax receipt is neither beneficial nor detrimental to Food for Life.
In order to issue an Income Tax Receipt Food for Life will require growers to provide:
FFL will value the food at fair market value Canada Revenue Agency “Determining fair
market value of gifts in kind (non-cash gifts)” and will provide a donation receipt. The fair
market value of the food can be determined by the sources listed below. Annual donations over $1,000 will require the valuations in writing.
In the case of a discrepancy between quoted valuations, an average will be taken. If an average is not considered fair by the grower, the Board Chair or Treasurer will arbitrate
the valuation on behalf of Food for Life.
Process for Income Tax Receipt Issuance
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Food for Life Canada Office
2258 Mountainside Drive
Burlington, ON L7P 1B7